5 Ways That You Can Revitalize Your Neck Health Holistically

5 Ways That You Can Revitalize Your Neck Health Holistically

Are you experiencing neck or back pain and are looking for a way to rejuvenate your neck? Many people are told that pain medication or surgery are the only option for them. Neck pain comes in a variety of forms, and from a wide range of conditions. Anything from a misalignment to the cervical spine (located in the neck) to a slipped disc can cause severe, or at the very least, inconveniencing, neck pain. If you’re looking for a way to boost your neck health on your own, read on: here are 5 ways that you can revitalize your neck health holistically.

#1. Practice building strength in your neck muscles.

One of the most effective ways to decrease pain in the neck muscles is to build strength in the neck, shoulders, and upper back area. All of these muscles work together to hold your head up on your neck. Did you know that your head weighs about 11 pounds? All of that weight is typically balanced very precisely on your cervical spine, which is the portion of your spine that holds up your neck. In addition to your spine, your neck muscles also help to stabilize and hold your head in place.

Consult with a professional and determine what exercises would be valuable for you to build muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back that will help to support your head. This is invaluable in helping to strengthen and support healthy upright posture.

#2. Ensure your sleeping position is good for your neck.

Most people sleep between 6 and 9 hours a night. This adds up to an enormous chunk of our lives over time, and has a major impact on our posture and our neck health. Many people don’t realize it, but oftentimes, our sleeping posture is hard on our neck. Most people adjust to the sleeping posture that they learned in childhood, which is rarely the ideal for the spinal alignment.

Take inventory of your posture and the tools you sleep with. Most people sleep with a pillow—is your pillow the right height for your head and neck? Your pillow should keep your head aligned with the center of your shoulders. If you’re a side sleeper, ensure that your head is placed directly over your shoulders, not thrust forward. If you’re a back sleeper, ensure that your pillow isn’t too tall and is placing your head above your chest or significantly above your back.

If you are having any difficulties with your sleep position, consider buying props that will help to improve your posture while you sleep. Some side sleepers will benefit from a square shaped pillow or a body pillow to hold, and some back sleepers will benefit from a firm buckwheat pillow or something thinner than they currently have.

#3. Maintain ideal posture when possible.

When you’re not sleeping, you’re awake! During the time that you’re awake, it’s important for you to practice ideal posture when possible. This means whether you’re sitting, standing, or walking, you are keeping your head in line with your shoulders, your chest about your hips, and your hips above your knees. This allows your spine to remain as straight as possible, which also supports your muscles and nerves.

When posture diminishes, this can place strain on the nerves and muscles. Misalignment in the spine can lead to nerve inflammation (for example, sciatica), and can also force nearby muscles to overcompensate for improper alignment. When the spine is properly aligned, the muscles don’t have to support any weight—they simply provide stabilization.

#4. Use a Denneroll device.

Your expert chiropractor may be able to provide you with an orthopedic Denneroll device. A Denneroll device is a tool customized to an area of the spine, and when used correctly and regularly, can help to completely reform the shape of the spine. Denneroll devices are often used in conjunction with regular chiropractic care, and function as a supplement to help boost the result you see from your regular treatment.

#5. Visit a chiropractor regularly.

One of the best things that you can do to help rejuvenate your cervical spine, which is located in your neck, is visit a chiropractor regularly. Your expert chiropractor is devoted to discovering exactly where in your spine there may be an imbalance, and using a series of advanced tools and treatments to improve the overall health of your body and your spine. At North Alabama Spine and Rehab, we pride ourselves in giving each and every person who walks through our doors a unique, individualized experience. Our treatment plans are completely customized, based on x-rays and a one-on-one assessment. Dr Adam Shafran is dedicated to discovering your wellness story and providing the highest quality of care possible to help you reach the next step in your wellness journey.

If you’re ready to experience the highest quality of wellness care in Huntsville and Decatur, AL, then book your appointment today to get started!

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