6 Things You Do Every Day That Might Be Hurting Your Spine

6 Things You Do Every Day That Might Be Hurting Your Spine
Adults nowadays are extremely concerned with their health and well-being. There is still one thing that is sometimes overlooked in today’s world—spine health! Your spine’s health is crucial to your active, capable, and comfortable life. Unfortunately, there are numerous methods to jeopardize your spine’s health, many of which are by accident. If you want to preserve the integrity of your spine for longer life and well-being, read on to learn about six things you do every day that might be hurting your spine.

You’re exercising incorrectly.

Exercise is considered to be beneficial and therapeutic to the body. There are many various methods of exercising, and each person has their own favorite technique for getting in some much-needed physical exercise. Aerobic exercises such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, and rowing may appeal to some. Other individuals may prefer anaerobic activities like weight lifting, circuit training, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), Pilates, and yoga. Regardless matter which sort of exercise you perform, you must do it correctly.

What is exercising correctly?

It is possible to find out a lot about a person from their stretching routine, and some of the things we learn are absolutely fascinating. Stretching correctly necessitates mindfulness and attention to good form, not pushing the body beyond its limits, and ensuring that stretching and warming up always happen before every exercise.

Unfortunately, injuries are all too common during workouts. Injuries can happen at the start of a workout, in the middle of it, and after it’s finished. These may include sprains and strains to muscles and tendons as well as muscle tears, knee and back injuries, and spinal subluxation.

Many of the mishaps seen during exercise are not thought of as “injuries.” You might tolerate the pain and discomfort because you believe it is normal soreness, or because you believe it is a little occurrence that will mend on its own. People frequently endure pain and discomfort (caused by injuries) in order to avoid losing ground in their fitness program.

You don’t stretch in the morning or before bed.

Did you know that whenever your body is shifting activities or getting ready for a new movement or position, it’s critical to stretch? Stretching isn’t just focused on the muscles. It also helps with ligaments, joints, and tendons! Stretching before bed to ensure your body is prepared to lay down for sleep may help prevent injury and guarantee that your sleep is truly restorative.

It’s also vital to stretch before getting out of bed. If you don’t stretch your body before going out in the world, it won’t receive the optimum opportunity to engage with it physically. Stretching in bed or right after rising allows your joints to return to their most ideal alignment. Stretching warms up your muscles, lengthens ligaments and tendons, and encourages the body to adapt to a variety of activities.

Whether you spend most of your time sitting and moving, work in a sedentary office job, or are an athlete, stretching between activity changes is one of the most effective methods to support your body’s health.

You spend a lot of time sitting.

It’s difficult to sit for extended periods of time. Sitting in chairs isn’t the most natural way for your body to achieve its ideal alignment of bones and joints, especially if you spend a lot of time in them. If you spend lots of time sitting, consider investing in a more comfortable sitting arrangement to support your body as much as possible. Some individuals prefer using an exercise ball as a seat at work or special chairs with a rocking base so that their bodies are encouraged to use their natural center of gravity for balance.

When you spend a lot of time sitting, your body becomes increasingly difficult to keep upright. The gravity of the body is pushed off-center when you sit, and because most people aren’t trained to change their posture and maintain spine alignment, sitting may cause the spine to bend excessively, which can eventually lead to spinal misalignment.

SITTING places strain on the spine’s joints and on the pelvis. To compensate for this pressure, people tend to lean forward or hunch their shoulders. Unfortunately, this counter-balancing method is only detrimental over extended periods of time.

You spend a lot of time standing/moving.

Do you spend a lot of time standing and walking around? If you do, this can put strain on your spine. When the body is upright, gravity’s downward pushing power is at its highest. The force of gravity pulling the body straight down toward the ground while standing may be very harmful to the spine. It can compress the joints and cause spine misalignment as well as nerve damage.

When misaligned joints compress nearby nerves, nerve interference occurs. Nerve function can be limited when the nerves are compressed. This can result in numbness, tingling, mental fog, tiredness, and a variety of other undesirable side effects in the body.

You have an unaddressed spinal injury.

Have you ever had an accident, fallen, or been in a vehicle collision (even if it was minor)? Spinal injuries can develop from any of these things.

Spine injuries are quite common in today’s world, since the human body is constantly absorbing shock or impact. This is very prevalent in modern society, and people are frequently unaware that they have been injured. Inflammation, discomfort, and accelerated joint degradation can all be caused by spine harm.

You have unaddressed spinal misalignment.

Have you had inexplicable back discomfort, shoulder pain, or neck pain? It’s conceivable that you have undiagnosed spinal misalignment. Spinal misalignment (also known as a subluxation in the chiropractic community) is a typical problem that affects many people each year. Joints can be easily misaligned, and even minor displacements in specific sections of the spine can result in serious symptoms that make daily living difficult or unpleasant.

The greatest method to determine whether or not your spine is misaligned is to come into our office for a comprehensive, thorough examination. North Alabama Spine and Rehab in Huntsville and Decatur, Alabama, guarantees that each patient gets an intensive evaluation that examines his or her specific spine condition.

With a thorough understanding of your spine’s status, we may develop an individualized therapy plan to help you reach your best possible health. This might include assisting in spinal realignment, treating tense or strained muscles, tendons, and tissues, as well as working on regions where nerve interference is producing other symptoms such as stomach issues.

If you’re ready to start feeling better and looking younger, get in touch with our office now to begin your chiropractic treatment.

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