What the Evidence Shows About Chiropractic Care

What the Evidence Shows About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has a lot to offer for living free of pain and general body dysfunction. The fact that it has been around for centuries illustrates that people across the world appreciate the health benefits it can provide. You’ve probably heard great things about chiropractic via word of mouth. But what does the evidence say?

There is a continually growing number of published scientific articles that support chiropractic care as a viable treatment option for many common health related issues. Today, we will dive into some of the research that supports this age old yet ever-evolving holistic branch of care.

The Foundation of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is considered a viable alternative to traditional medical care for treating disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Their primary focus is the nervous system and how the health of the spine affects every aspect of our health. By focusing on the integrity of the spine, chiropractors most often treat patients with complaints of pain, biomechanical dysfunction, and other general health related complaints that we will discuss further below.

In the U.S., an estimated 50% of adults have experienced chiropractic care at some point in their life, with 25% undergoing chiropractic care in the last year. What exactly does the evidence say about regular treatment? Let’s review.

The Evidence Behind Chiropractic Care

Top medical researchers like the Mayo clinic have shown the effectiveness of chiropractic care when it comes to treating common pain complaints, primarily neck pain, headaches, and low back pain. Most astonishingly, many articles have demonstrated significant reductions in the need for pain medication (particularly addictive opioids) when chiropractic care is utilized- often more than 50%! The best supported treatment modality used is spinal adjustment, which chiropractors are expertly trained to complete. Additionally, there are small yet emerging bits of research that are showing how specific branches of chiropractic are beneficial for general health conditions (even chronic disease), scoliosis, and more.

What is Evidence Based Practice?

Nowadays, most chiropractors use evidence based practice to guide how they treat their patients. What exactly does this mean? This means that a chiropractor keeps up to date on the latest research supported treatment options and uses this information to make the best possible decision for patient care. When it comes to providing the best possible care, a good practitioner will take the current evidence into consideration while also keeping the patient’s preferences and their previous treatment experiences in mind. This all ensures that each patient is getting high quality effective care.

Why Does it Work?

As you probably already suspect, the central nervous system (aka the spinal cord and nerve roots) plays a pivotal role in our body’s function and health. With the spinal vertebrae housing and protecting these delicate neural tissues, it should make sense that any issue stemming from the spine itself can lead to some major health consequences. This is why chiropractors are dedicated to detecting any spine problems (that are most often subtle). Primarily, spine misalignment can lead to poor nerve energy. Thus, when this underlying issue is adequately addressed it can help immensely.

What Can I See a Chiropractor For?

Now that you understand what you can gain from chiropractic care, you may be wondering what it is indicated for. Honestly, the reasons are relatively endless when it comes to your health, since there is always room for improvement. Let’s review some of the top indicators so that you know when to pick up that phone and get an appointment scheduled.

  • Recovering from acute or chronic pain
  • Seeking pain relief- both short and long term
  • Preventing or managing symptoms related to scoliosis
  • Dealing with the negative effects of poor posture (or prevention)
  • Faulty movement mechanics that can lead to, or are causing, joint or muscle pain
  • Chronic fatigue or general low energy
  • Trouble sleeping/ insomnia
  • Difficulty concentrating or a noticeable reduction in your productivity
  • Low motivation to make healthy choices (such as exercise)
  • Mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, etc.
  • Preventing or managing chronic disease
  • Pregnancy discomfort and birth preparation
  • Addressing underlying organ dysfunction, such as digestive issues, breathing problems, etc.
  • And more!

It’s Time to See Your Local Chiropractor

Chiropractic care continues to be an excellent and viable option for addressing all health related concerns holistically. Since chiropractic care is non-invasive and focuses on supporting the body’s own innate function, there are few risks yet immense benefits to possibly be gained. If you are ready to see what chiropractic care can do for your health, it’s time to find a reputable chiropractor in your area and get scheduled. It’s important to find a provider you trust and feel comfortable confiding in.

If you live in Decatur or Huntsville, AL, we are happy to provide you with high quality care at North Alabama Spine and Rehab. We are dedicated to helping you address all of your health concerns and reach your goals- and it all starts with scheduling a consultation.

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