The holiday season has arrived!

It’s a festive and sometimes excessive time (cheese platters, pie, eggnog…). But “excessive” isn’t necessarily negative. Generosity, kindness and selflessness can’t be overdone, and as a team, our staff strives to practice these traits both during this season and through the entire year.

At North Alabama Spine and Rehab we are fortunate to have amazing coworkers and don’t have to look far for real life examples of goodwill. But one particular timely story is extra special to us and should be shared.
“Not every doctor has the opportunity to work with people who will so readily save the life of a coworker,” says Dr. Shafran about North Alabama Spine and Rehab case manager Tanya Tidwell. Tanya cares for others so much that she will donate one of her own kidneys to a new coworker who is desperately in need of one.

Follow this link to view our heart-warming office story as told by WAFF48 in Huntsville:

This Thanksgiving our staff is thankful for the limitless generosity that exists among us and we wish all of our patients bountiful blessings as well.

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